Friday, January 27, 2012

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a day that all couples show their love for each other.  It’s also a day where new love begins and some blossom.  However for some people it is a very lonely day.  These are the people that have recently lost a love one or broke up with their partner.   There are many things to do on Valentine’s Day such as going to the movies, going out for dinner, for a walk or just spending time together.  Some people get each other small gifts; others make the gifts expensive and large.  Gifts can range from a stuffed animal, chocolate, flowers or even jewelry.  There are also many different ways to ask someone to be your valentine.  A person can decide to ask someone to be their valentine by asking them out, giving them hints, putting it right out there or the traditional way by giving them a Valentine card.  Sometimes when the person you like does not ask you to be their valentine, it can make you very sad.  To avoid being alone on Valentine’s Day make sure to get together with friends and have a good time. In my opinion, I think that Valentine’s Day is overrated and people should be showing their love for each other every day.  It shouldn’t be left up to oneday of the year. 

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