Friday, October 21, 2011

To like or not to like? That is the question.

You have no control over who you like. Your heart just falls for whoever it wants. I've liked guys that I thought at first were very different from me, but after getting to know them, I've found out that we are more alike then I thought. We like doing the same things, such as playing the same sport or liking the same subject in school. I just found myself more like them and it made sense why my heart was attracted to them. It wasn't always easy to see why my heart felt the attraction.  At other times, we didn't have anything in common.  But not having anything in common is fine because some people say and think that opposites attracts. I feel that it would be difficult for people with different interests to get along. I think that people with at least a couple things in common would get along better.  Even if you don't have many things in common with the person you like, it gives you a chance to try different things and maybe you'll end up liking it as well. I think it's better to have a few things in common since it will mean you can spend more time together.  What would be even better is that by spending more time together his heart would feel the same as yours.  One of my interest is participating in a certain group which happens to also be the interest of a guy to which I'm attracted.  Even though my feelings for this guy is not known, we are getting to know each other better by attending the same activity.  Based on this information I may discover one day that he has the same feelings as me and if not I will still have made a very good friend. 


  1. I think that love is like a car you test it fist to see if you like it then u go to the next one then u pick the one you really liked and u buy it but one's a new car or model coming out you are tempted to buy the other one but you have to think do you really need that new car or is it just a luxury.

  2. I agree with what your trying to say about liking someone that has the same interest in you because you have more things to talk about and agree on but what happens when you discover you have to much in common and "he" creates more of a friend relationship then a boyfriend girlfriend relationship? but it's always good to get to know someone first before making a decision on wether you like them or not. Our emotions can surprise us in the end. Nice blog by the way.
